Time To Increase, Not Limit, Women’s Access To Abortion
Beatrice Kahn writes in New York Jewish Week about the ever-tightening restrictions on women’s reproductive freedoms and why it is more important than ever that we pass the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA).
“Religion is often wielded as the rationale for limiting a woman’s right to make healthcare decisions for herself. Yet, as a person of faith, I wholeheartedly believe that access to the full range of reproductive health care services, including abortion, is critical to women’s well-being, dignity and conscience, not to mention religious liberty. And I’m not alone. I recently had the good fortune to be in Washington, D.C. with more than 100 women of faith—many faiths—from across the country. We were all there to advocate for the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA), a federal bill that would bar states from imposing medically unnecessary restrictions on abortion, interfere with patient’s personal decision making, or block access to safe, legal abortion care. Every woman must be allowed to make her own faith-informed decisions about her reproductive life— that is why reproductive freedom is inextricably bound to religious freedom.”
Read the entire op ed here.