Jews worry US focus on Islamic terror a way to avoid home-grown white supremacy
“The statistics are concerning for those Jewish organizations whose mission is combating racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia. But of more concern is the view that they lack a partner in the White House for combating this scourge. Instead, organizations such as the non-partisan National Council for Jewish Women said they find the actions and policies of the year-old administration bolster white supremacists.
“’We have a very big problem. We are going backwards when I thought we’d be going forwards,’ said Nancy J. Kaufman, chief executive officer of NCJW.
“’It’s trickling down in a terrible way. What we thought was taboo has become acceptable. White supremacists standing in front of synagogues, cemeteries vandalized; it’s all quite shocking. When you let the genie out of the bottle, anything is possible. It’s very troubling. I don’t think we’ve seen it this bad since the height of the KKK, and it’s something we are doing our best to fight against,’ Kaufman said.
“The group, which was founded in 1893, spoke out against former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon and is now crafting a statement against senior advisor Stephen Miller, who is Jewish. Kaufman said Miller is someone whose immigration views can only be described as those of a white supremacist.” Read the full story.