Jewish groups gear up for Women’s March 2018

“Jewish groups will be participating in marches across the country. The National Council of Jewish Women expects tens of thousands of its members will attend events, CEO Nancy Kaufman told JTA.
“In New York, NCJW, together with Workmen’s Circle, the left-wing culture and social justice group, and B’nai Jeshurun, a liberal nondenominational synagogue, are organizing a Jewish contingent. The contingent, which includes 20 other Jewish groups in addition to area synagogues, will meet on the Upper West Side and walk together to the march led by a klezmer band. At the march, Kaufman and Ann Toback, executive director of the Workmen’s Circle, will both address the general crowd.
“’We think it’s very, very important that we stand up as Jewish women to speak truth to power, and to say were not going to sit by and tolerate a complete assault on everything we’ve fought for for so many years,’ Kaufman said.” Read the full story.