#GetOutTheVax Pledge
Pikuach nefesh–the saving of life–is the holiest commandment in Judaism. With the widespread availability of COVID-19 vaccines now available to the majority of Americans, we each have the opportunity to save not only our own lives but the lives of others as well.
Together, we can end the COVID-19 pandemic– but only if everyone pitches in.
National Council of Jewish Women is proud to be a leader in this effort as a founding member of the White House’s COVID-19 Community Corps, a nationwide effort to encourage communities of all walks of life to receive their vaccinations. We’re also deeply proud of our sections for spearheading this effort in their local communities from the outset, from helping make appointments in Essex, NJ, to comprehensive education campaigns in Sacramento, CA.
Today, NCJW calls on you to embody pikuach nefesh and pledge to get vaccinated and help others get vaccinated, so no one is left behind. Will you sign on?
Share the pledge on social media! Tag us @NCJW on Twitter, @NCJWInc on Facebook, and @NCJWInc on Instagram and use the hashtags #IPledged #GetOutTheVax
For information and guidelines related to the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccination information, please visit cdc.gov.
More ways to take action:
In the month leading up to July 4th, National Council of Jewish Women, in partnership with the Made to Save coalition and Health and Human Services’ We Can Do This campaign, is launching a month-long mobilization to ensure 70% of adults are at least partially vaccinated by July 4th. So take your Get Out the Vote skills and apply them to Get Out the Vax by phone banking, canvassing, and tabling.
Most adults in every demographic want to be vaccinated, but we still haven’t reached herd immunity in this country. People still need information on where to get a vaccine, how to sign up, and how to get there.