Tell the House: We need a vote on the ERA!

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was first introduced 100 years ago, yet constitutional gender equality under the law remains elusive. The ERA, if passed, would become the 28th amendment and establish constitutional gender equality as a national priority. But, Congress placed an arbitrary deadline on the state ratification process, and recent ratifications of the ERA by Nevada, Illinois, and Virginia means we now have the 38 states needed for it to become the 28th Amendment to the US Constitution. Reps. Ayanna Pressley, Madeleine Dean , Sylvia R. Garcia, Abigail Spanberger, Cori Bush, and Sydney Kamlager-Dove, and Sens. Ben Cardin, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski, introduced HJ Res 25 —The House Joint Resolution to Affirm the Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment — that would prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in the US Constitution and remove the deadline for the ERA. At a time when gender equality is under attack in state houses, Congress, and the courts, the ERA would shield existing rights and expand protections and liberties for all women, girls, and other marginalized genders. Call your Representative and urge them to sign a discharge petition to bring the ERA to the House floor for a vote!