Act Now to Protect Communities from Hate

Take action: Act Now to Protect Communities from Hate. NCJW.

A core part of NCJW’s mission is working to build a society where everyone can live free from violence and persecution. With antisemitism and other forms of bias and discrimination at exponential levels, hate-driven violence continues to threaten all of our communities. Yet the FBI’s 2022 Hate Crime Statistics report, the most recent report available, does not include information from thousands of locations because their law enforcement agencies failed to report hate crime data to the FBI — including dozens of larger cities where we know hate is impacting communities every day.

Accurate, consistent reporting allows the government and local nonprofits to know where, when, and how to mobilize community resources to prevent and respond to hate crimes. Law enforcement agencies across the country must be held accountable, and commit to collecting and reporting accurate data. The Improving Reporting to Prevent Hate Act (H.R. 7648) is exactly what our communities need to better understand and address hate crimes. This bill will improve reporting by requiring local governments of cities with populations over 100,000 people to report hate crimes to the FBI every year. Tell Congress to pass the Improving Reporting to Prevent Hate Act and protect communities from hate!

Learn more by reading NCJW’s talking points on the Improving Reporting to Prevent Hate Act!