The NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education
For almost 40 years, the NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education (RIFIE) at Hebrew University has been a cornerstone of NCJW’s education work in Israel. Founded in 1969, RIFIE was created in support of the development of educational programs in Israel aimed at bridging societal gaps. The Institute’s researchers develop and facilitate innovative methods of education to meet the needs of immigrant and disadvantaged children and their families, promoting their integration into Israeli society.
The most well-known RIFIE program is “HIPPY” (Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters), a self-help program that assists parents from poor, migrant, minority, or otherwise marginalized families in preparing their children for school. HIPPY won such acclaim by the Israeli government that it was implemented nationally in 1975. More than 22,000 Israeli families have now participated in HIPPY, which has expanded to operate in 167 sites around the world – including the US.
For more information about HIPPY, please contact Liron Peleg at