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Protect Against Immigration Enforcement Raids

Immigration enforcement raids happen year-round, across the country. President Trump’s latest threats indicate a massive raid targeting families could happen imminently. Below are some ways to protect your families, neighbors, and communities during immigration enforcement raids.

  • Know Your Rights. Share Know Your Rights (KYR) informationwith your networks. 
  • Reach out. Help people who may be at risk of deportation prepare emergency plans. 
  • Record and Report. Bear witness when Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE), Customs & Border Protection (CBP), and local law enforcement agents target immigrants. See and share United We Dream’s graphics in English and Spanish for more information. 
  • Involve your congregation. This guide from LA RED (formerly PICO) explains how to involve your houses of worship and faith partners in response to raids. Or find local sanctuary coalitions here.
  • Engage your community. Find ideastraining, and rapid response plans to combat the raids as a community, including avenues for local advocacy 
  • Write Op Eds or LTEs. Engage the media, your community, and Members of Congress by sharing your thoughts in your local or national paper. Keep it short and write from your own voice about why this issue is so important and/or why it impacts your community. Don’t forget to report back: If you’re published, email a link to fwilliams@ncjw.org so we can track the impact. Also, make sure to email your media piece directly to your Members of Congress and call their DC office to continue the conversation.
  • Plan or attend a local protest. An inspiring way to take action is on the front lines. Print a custom NCJW immigration poster, take a photo, and tag NCJW on TwitterFacebook, and/or Instagram.
  • Call Congress. At the same time the Department of Homeland Security prepares for a nation-wide dragnet, it has gone on record to say it does not have enough money to provide basic hygiene for migrant kids held in detention. Something is wrong with this picture. Call (202) 224-3121 three times to be connected to your senators and representative. Here is a sample script:
    My name is [name] and I’m a member of the National Council of Jewish Women and I live in [city/town]. Separating families is wrong, whether it happens at the border or as a result of massive raids. I demand that you condemn any and all future raids. In addition, I urge you to decrease funding to ICE or CBP. This spending tears families and communities apart. My Jewish values teach me to welcome the stranger, and I urge you to do the same.

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