Historical Education Work in Israel
NCJW’s body of educational work in Israel is distinctive for its innovative agenda and longstanding commitment. With a history spanning more than 60 years, this work draws upon courage, compassion, and creativity to improve educational opportunities throughout the country. Groundbreaking initiatives have responded to the most pressing needs of each decade -helping people to help themselves and creating a legacy of education and empowerment.
Two of NCJW’s most notable education programs in Israel are the NCJW Women and Gender Studies Program at Tel Aviv University and the NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education at Hebrew University.
The NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education was established in 1968 by NCJW at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The Institute carries out research and creates innovative educational programs serving socioeconomically at-risk segments of the Israeli population. Through a wide range of research and applied activities, the Institute promotes educational and social advancement by addressing the educational challenges and needs of children and youth. The Institute’s vast accumulation of knowledge and expertise facilitates its professional contribution to public policy-making in the field of education.
The NCJW Women and Gender Studies Program at Tel Aviv University is groundbreaking for its place in Israel’s history of higher education, and is life-changing for its students. One honor student from the program writes, “In this short letter I cannot properly express all the beauty I found and experienced in this program. Almost every aspect of it contributed in one or many ways to my growth as a feminist and as a person.”